Sunday, November 06, 2011

Indian TV ads reviewed - #005 - Hero Moto Corp

This is the new ad for the "new" company - Hero Moto Corp.

The purpose of the ad is not really to showcase the vehicles made by this company. This ad is more an exercise in re-branding.

The lyrics and voice-over talk about there being a hero within every Hindustani and that the new name for the heartbeat of the nation is Hero Moto Corp.

I am not qualified enough to say if the ad really delivers on the re-branding effort and that is mainly because, the  ad didn't showcase the vehicles made by the company. The ad features so many different plots and barring a couple of them, they don't showcase the vehicles made by the company.

They do show some random set of two-wheelers going around, towards the end of the ad, but I am not impressed.

The other big complaint I have is with the jingle. I am a HUGE fan of ARR, but I felt that his music wasn't anything great. Especially the part where he drags "Ham mein haim Herooooo o ooo" - yikes.

All in all, the ad didn't work for me!

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