Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Indian TV ads reviewed - #002 - Tata Docomo

Tata Docomo's latest set of ads with the tag line of "The network that always connects. Everywhere" appear to be good. You can see them all here.

It is not a single ad and is a series featuring some very different situations where one doesn't want to be connected and yet, gets a call. 

You can argue that the "Everywhere" situations shown in the ad are not all places where it is difficult to get calls.  And you are right. This series doesn't show people getting calls while inside an elevator. Or inside a tunnel. But then, even in the heart of the city, sometimes the signal is poor, so we can excuse that aspect. 

However, there are a couple of ads in the series, which seem to be a little offensive. The Tamil guy stopping his wedding ritual to attend a call, didn't look good. Similarly, showing the maid-servant stealing a phone was not in good taste. And the rocking car one, could have been avoided. 

In terms of fun/humor this series of ads are spot on. And it scores even in conveying the main message. A welcome relief from the earlier sets featuring Ranbir Kapoor's stand-up comedy. 


Unknown said...

"The rocking car one could be avoided" - WHY?

Jawaman said...

Why? Mainly coz that ad gets shown during prime time in all channels and we don't have a proper regulations for such ads. No complaint as such about that ad; issue is more about when and where it can be telecast.

Unknown said...

No, I mean, with regards to the rocking car, what's there to complain about? Haven't we all been there during our sophomore years?

Jawaman said...

Sorry, those days, it wasn't an SUV. ;)