Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Offer from a mobile telephone service provider

I've been listening to radio of late and there's this ad that first impressed me. One of the mobile phone service providers has an offer that says 2000 free minutes. For two years. To any mobile phone of the same network.
First time I heard it I was like wow, that's a super cool offer.
Then after hearing it for 2-3 times, I decided to do the math.
To enjoy the full benefit, one can talk for 2000 minutes in 2 years.
Which is 1000 in 1 year.
Breaks down further to 83.33 minutes a month.
On an average that's 2.77 minutes a day.
Now, does that look like a great offer?
Hell NO.

1 comment:

Neelakantan said...

Boss that is for guys who will drink even cleaning acid if it comes free of cost