Let me clarify. Sometimes while I am watching TV in the night, I suddenly get this inclination to check the time. I use the program scanning option in my Tata Sky and at least some 4 out of 10 times, I see the time as 10:29.
This is not just at nights. Sometimes in the office, when I check my watch, I end up seeing 10:29 quite often.
Similarly, 2 days back, I went by car to the office. Just before starting the car, I checked the odometer (not something I do that often) and lo, this is what I saw:
Is it a case of being able to relate to certain familiar numbers or patterns or is it a simple case of an underlying self-centered obsession manifesting itself at the slightest chance?
I am sure that if you compute the number of times you saw something other than 10:29, the randomness of the whole thing would become evident, but it is more fun to assume that there is a higher power, trying to tell you subliminally that you are rapidly approaching the age bar for starting a harem, and you need to do something about it.
Y are getting reminded of age and nothing else..
Get married fast..Don't be choosy and act as a perfectionist.
I am simply astounded as to how both of you can link my marital status to this!!!
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