Wednesday, October 07, 2015

The quintessential conversation among middle aged Indians

I’ve recently moved to a new Unit in the office and so am interacting with a whole lot of people who are new to me. On the same note, I must also add that I am also new to them.
As I was easing into the new job, I had to chat online with a lady to get access to some applications. She gave me the access, I thanked her and then we had this chat…
She: Does your kid study in **** school?
Me: No
She: Oh, I thought I’ve seen you there
Me: No, actually, I’m single!
She: Is it, I am sorry
Me: Its ok.
Some two weeks back, we went out to a team lunch and one of the senior guys was catching up and this came up…..
He: Where are your kids studying?
Me: Oh, I am still single!
Then a couple of days back, there was another lady, who during a coffee break suddenly flaunted her kid’s pic to us. And right after she locked her phone….
She: What are your kids doing?
Me: Well, actually I’m single!
Now, these instances pretty much sum up the quintessential conversations among middle aged Indians when they meet for the first time. It basically is the presumptuous query about the number of kids that the other person has and what they do (as in where they study). That much we all know and have come across in life.
But worried me was the response I gave each time, that I am single. As if, the marital status of “single” has anything to do with the number of kids a person can have! That was the other clear indication to me that I am turning out to be one of those quintessential middle aged Indians! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it just shows that you are efficient. If you had replied with "I don't have kids" you would have to handle "why not" and "don't delay". And then you would have to tell them that you've never been married. So you have just ended the conversation with a single step reply.