Friday, December 22, 2006

Sorry for the delay, but you may still have to wait

I've been wanting to post for quite some time now, but my carpal problem has prevented me from doing so.
My appraisal post deserves responses and I hope to post it in the next day or two.
I have couple of other topics to discuss as well.
So, please pray that my carpal trouble gets over soon.
On a related note: All x-rays taken of my spinal area - cervical and thorasic - came out with good results. So its likely that I am having only a local sprain.


Unknown said...

Excuse me but I didn't know where else to post. There's a horrible creature sitting at the end of your blog. Could you do something about it?

Anonymous said...

Dear God,
Please provide jawaman the strength and support he needs to come out of this tough situation.
Thanks in advance

Jawaman said...

Dont worry guys.
That picture was taken 4 years ago. Almost same date.