Sunday, October 29, 2006

Time to vote

To the one handful people who read this blog:

One of you had pointed out that the blog contains less of office stuff and more of personal things and so the blog name can be changed from 'Professionally challenged'.

Well, I agree.

So, during my 3 and a half hour journey home last Wednesday, I started noting down possible names. And here are the top 5:
1. Obverse Observations
2. This doesn't happen in Utopia
3. Perfectly incorrect
4. Am I driving on the wrong side
5. Drained Brains

These are not listed in any specific order.

So, its now up to you guys to vote for a name. The one with maximum votes will be used as my blog name.

If you think none of these is good enough, you may indicate that too.

Many thanks in advance.


Unknown said...

I liked Drained Brains. On the subject of "brains" I had shortlisted a couple of names that I was throwing at myself before the times of my historic blog. They were
(1) Neural mayhem
(2) The Difference between my brain and a potato.
It is not surprising that I am attracted towards names that revolve around cerebral matter. Natural curiosity about things that I don't have - that's why.

Neelakantan said...

Dear Jawaman,

I always knew that you were too susceptible to criticism. I am surprised at your vulnerability. The name of the blog is as good as its contents and also relatable to it. The high personal content is probably due to the enormous challenge in recording professional escapades and that explains the name too.

Jawaman said...

Dear Neeluking,
While I may very well be susceptible to criticism, in this particular case, I've been wanting to change the name for quite some time now. And when my ex-colleague pointed it out, I felt I had to.
Also, you may not remember, but this name itself is the 3rd one.