Sunday, May 04, 2008

Jet lag for my phone's battery?

During the week of April 21st, I observed that the charge in my mobile phone's battery was getting exhausted quite quickly.

I did an optimized charging during office hours on the Wednesday of that week. I had to go for one more such session within 24 hours. Had to repeat it on the Friday as well. Saturday was no different and I had to charge the phone in the middle of the day.

Normally, the battery of my phone shows excellent durability per full charge. I have a habit of charging only when the indicator on my phone goes to red, showing the availability of less than 30% of full charge. This happens, every 48 hours or so and I usually put it to charge at night time. And before I put the phone on charge, I usually switch it off and leave it for a complete charging. I've read somewhere that this increases the battery life and going by this case, I have to agree.

And for the 48 hours between these recharges, I usually spend some 2.5 hours listening to music and around 2 hours sending messages. My talking time would probably be around 1.5 hours (yet another clear proof that I am a relatively silent guy) for this period. And I always have the vibration mode ON, so that I don't miss out on message/call alerts even when I am in crowded places like the Food Court in the office or when I am in malls. I am also known to take some 2-3 pictures daily, on an average. And the bluetooth is always ON.

So, I was surprised to see the need to charge my phone during the day time and that too on a daily basis. The first thought that came to mind was that the battery was dying. Considering that the phone is around 18 months old, I was somehow not happy with that line of thought.

Only then I remembered that I had inserted a new memory card into my phone, the previous week. It was a 4 GB card and it replaced the 512 MB card that came with the phone. So, the phone was evidently consuming more battery to keep pace with the additional memory space available.

Once I was able to identify this reason, I somehow manipulated my phone's usage last week and was able to start charging it every night in stead of every morning and had to resort to the optimized charging mode on only one day. To further prove my theory, I used this weekend to check it out. I last charged my battery on Friday night. As of now, the battery is at 10% balance and during the interim period, I didn't listen to any music, didn't forward messages (though I did have a couple of SMS conversations) and talked lesser than usual on the phone.

But coming back to the title of this post, I felt that the battery was now undergoing the same symptoms seen in human beings when they cross different time zones. We experience jet lag for a couple of days and it takes some conscious effort on our part to alter some of our routine activities and somehow see to it that we sleep properly on one night. After that, its back to normal life for us.

Same seemed to be the case with this phone battery as well. It suddenly got jolted out of its night charging routine and got trapped in the optimized charging mode. Once it went there, it kinda got stuck with the daily-charging-during-day-time cycle. I had to tweak its usage and somehow bring back to its routine and ever since, things are back to normal. However one thing that has changed is the frequency of the charging and unless I revert to the lower capacity memory card, that's not gonna change.

I think this similarity must have inspired the machines that created the Matrix, to use human beings as batteries.

P.S: To the two people who regularly comment to my blogs: Please don't comment that I need to get married/l*** to stop thinking like this.

P.P.S: To the 5-6 others who regularly read my blog but do not comment: Please don't think that I need to get married/l*** to stop thinking like this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have no idea what getting married or the sanctimonious act of getting l*** has anything to do with this. But I feel that the best way to see if the phone's battery is discharging uniformly is to transcode and watch full length movies. Now, obviously you can't watch regular movies on such a small screen, so the only watchable material would be that of people getting l***.