On many a weekend, I have been woken up in the mornings by some squirrel that used my body as a launching pad to jump from the middle of the room to the window on its way out. My parents have had their siesta disturbed for similar reasons.
We have found squirrels building tiny nests all over the house. Give them a gap in the lofts for more than 3 days and you can bet your life's earnings that they would have occupied the place.
We have had to put a specific wired shield around the A/Cs in the house (on the outer side) just to keep these animals out of the A/C. This was a lesson learnt after we switched on the A/C after a long break and heard shrieks and wails emanating from the unit. I don't exactly remember if they were killed or they escaped, but we were being cautious nevertheless.
But as a sign of adaptation, the squirrels have started new ways to get into the A/C. As you all should be aware by now, the standard window A/C has a vent to blow the cold air inside the room. This vent is providing enough space for one of the squirrels that visits my room, to enter and exit the main A/C unit. I have been hearing noises from the unit for quite some time now. And last week, I actually saw a squirrel come out of the unit through this vent and a couple of days later, I also saw it enter the unit through this vent.
Now, I am not sure if it was the same squirrel or if they were squirrels belonging to the same family and building a nice house for themselves or if the squirrels were simply using the A/C as a hotel. In effect my A/C unit has once again become a place for squirrels to take rest.
I wanted to catch them in the act of entering or leaving the A/C. So, I spent some 40 minutes of Monday night at a strategic position from the vent in the desperate hope that i would be able to capture the squirrel that was inside, come out for fresh air. The squirrel actually got camera shy and whenever I saw it near the vent and pointed the camera at it, it used to run back inside. I even switched off the lights in the room and waited for 5 minutes hoping that it would come out of the unit thinking that the coast was clear.
I even went to the extent of asking my father to stand in the room, when I needed a water break. This was to ensure that the squirrel wouldn't run out since it saw someone near the vent. But all this effort went in vain. I felt like the camera person in a Discovery Channel program who waits for hours together hoping to catch a lion make a move to kill a zebra, but ends up facing a lion resting after a hearty meal!
Anyways, when I returned from work this evening and entered my room, I heard the by now familiar noises coming from the A/C vent. I was able to detect the presence of a squirrel near the vent. I quickly setup my mobile camera and sneaked up to the vent. I took a quick picture before the squirrel could escape and my friends, I present it here. Look carefully around the left hand side of the vent between the 2nd and 3rd horizontal bars from the bottom and you should be able to spot the body of the squirrel.
We'll not be calling the A/C mechanic until the painting job completes, so I have one more weekend at the minimum to get a better quality picture of the squirrel. Wish me luck....
What are you waiting for - the temperature to reach 50 degrees C, and Al Gore to stand outside and scream "See! I told you so !!" - to start using the air-conditioners? Please don't become one of those "monkey-cap" creatures that surface in Madras winters, man.
please refer an earlier post of mine where i talked about how i dont belong to the set of people who need AC at any point in time.
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