Sunday, April 20, 2008

Its better to be back

2 weeks back, I blogged about how it was good to be back. While I continued using my bedroom to setup my Internet connection, the lack of a proper table-chair setup meant that I couldn't spend too much time with the laptop.

But now that the painters have handed over the house to us, albeit with a few minor pieces of work still pending, I was able to return to my office room this morning. I setup everything the way it was and have actually gone a step ahead in installing the Cambridge sound system that I have, in one of the shelves.

Yesterday, I hunted for a piece of plastic pipe which I planned to use in the table. The purpose of the pipe was to let most of the wires run through it, just so that the table looks less cluttered. I got hold of an old mop and cut out an 8" piece. I put it to use this morning and instantly realised that while my idea was probably good, it wasn't great. Most of the wires connecting to the power outlets had huge plugs or connecting points that wouldn't go through the tube. Similar was the case with many of the wires connecting to/from the computer.

In the end I was able to put in some 4 wires into the pipe. Moreover, the 8" length doesn't seem to serve the purpose either, since I still find a whole lot of wires strewn around table. I really hope that some day I can live in a world without wires!

But at any rate, I feel happy that I've returned to my office room!

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