Today was just a confirmation of what I am - Mr.Responsible.
Me folks aren't keeping too well for the last couple of days. Just a local cold and cough. My mother was unable to cook this morning and our usual caterers couldn't supply food, since we contacted them a bit late in the morning.
So, I ultimately took the decision that I would do some cooking. Under guidance, of course. It was probably a case of troubling them a bit more, but I had no other option. I wasn't keen on getting restaurant food for my parents when they are under the weather.
After a lot of arguments, my decision to cook was ratified and we decided on the menu. Since there were hardly few vegetables available, it was agreed that I would make Jeeraga Rasam and Vendakkai Fry.
I followed my mother's instructions to the T. While I was cutting the vendakkai (couldn't decide between okra and ladies finger, so decided to go with the Tamizh name itself), I was watching the cricket match and this certainly slowed me down. I had to follow what became an exciting match thanks to the umpires, but I digress as usual.
While cooking, I tried to take utmost precaution against spilling and dirtying of the area. But alas, I had to open a packet of oil and while doing so, caused a minor oil spill. Not the amount that would have attracted Greenpeace, but enough oil to "thalichufy" for a week or two. Luckily, no one was around when the incident occurred and I quickly brought in newspapers and cleared out the mess to a good extent.
And even as I was causing the oil spill, the rasam was boiling well enough and it too started spilling out of the vessel. I quickly turned off the flame, but then my aim for a spill-free cooking spree was thwarted.
Taking further help from my mother, I completed the cooking of the vendakkai and also did the necessary thalichufying. I rounded off the whole thing by microwaving a few pappads and appalams. Once my father brought the rice, it was then lunch time.
I must admit that the fare I'd prepared was pretty decent. Probably a bit low on salt and also on spice, but definitely something that could be shared with anyone.
And furthermore, after we finished our lunch, I duly boiled a fresh packet of milk, let it cool down and initiated the process of converting the milk into curd.
In the evening, it was snack time. Once again, yours truly prepared adai for parents and self. It came out real good, even though I was preparing adai after many many months.
So, today has seen the very responsible side of me. Either I gave my parents some rest or at least gave them enough initiative to get well soon!
And oh, there has to be a blemish to my whole responsible act right? There is. I haven't bathed today and don't plan to, until Monday morning! An effective gap of nearly 40 hours between two showers!!! :)
Having known you, I totally disagree that you are responsible. You immediately took the chance of getting trained in cooking (please read with your marriage plans and you being humble to your wife, :) or let me put in more gentler way "being called nice husband" !!! ). What a futuristic plan my dear!!!
In Iyengar Household it is told, if you can make tasty " Santhuthu" (rasam, in Iyer household), you are good cook. So test your rasam for your own testimony on cooking.
u cant attribute what you do in your house, as my future plans!!!
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