Sunday, May 02, 2010

Just for the record

Start record:

Last month - 3rd April to be precise - I climbed up the Tirumala mountains along with some of my colleagues. It was a near 3.5 hour walk. The darshan took only 6+ hours though!
And the previous night, I had an amazing darshan at Tiruchanur.
Had ill-effects of the 6 hour wait in the form of a strained back for a couple of days after returning.
This was my 3rd climb up the hill, the first one being in 1997 along with my buddies, with the precise prayer to Venky asking him to make me pass my Final Semester in Engineering.
The second one was in Feb 2006 as part of attending the wedding of my roommate in Los Angeles. I climbed up with a couple of my friends from my previous company.

End record.


Ramadurai said...

I think this time you should have asked for your marriage..Chances were more granting those... :)

YouKnowWho said...

Ahh... the 1997 climb is still vivid in my mind. That was really fun. I don't remember the Darshanam much but tears well up when I think of the Andhra Paruppupodi we had with the Andhra meals somewhere in Tirupati.