Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Sold our Maruti 800 today

The first car we bought, in December 1999, was a Cyprus Blue coloured Maruti 800 DX. After clocking a fabulous 36K Kms over the last 9 years and 9 months, this car was finally sold today.

I have actually been trying to sell off this car for almost 2 years. I came quite close to closing out the sale with a dealer, when I was desperately hunting for a new Swift in late 2008. But something came up then and I had to back out of the deal.

I wanted to sell the car only because of the erosion that it was undergoing due to being exposed to the air in Besant Nagar. The car started picking up rust at amazing speeds and I didn't want it to turn into a pile of dust one fine day.

Also, the rust had started creeping into the engine bay as well and clearly, a big expense would be lining up in a year or two.

My parents also finally accepted the fact that the time had certainly come for the car to be sold. However, they came to the decision because, our part-time driver himself started seconding my opinion. Until that point in time, my views were being dismissed as being frivolous, high-handed and as being an opinion of a person who has no brains or even heart!

Though this guy did help my agenda, the sad part is that I would still not be ready to hand over my Baleno to him! And one of the main reasons I didn't buy a new Swift is also because of the fact that I might have to hand over the reins (so to say) to him.

Don't get me wrong. He is not a rash driver or a bad one or anything like that. Just that I somehow don't like the idea of giving him a big car or a new one to him. Some kind of prejudice I guess, like the many that people claim I have!

Anyway, long-story-short, this driver helped bring a buyer who is a mechanic and also deals in buying and selling of used cars. We have given it off to him for 65K which is about par on the market rate. Now that I have mentioned the amount, I have to prepare myself to hear word like "oh that is too less" or "if only u told me that u were going to sell it, I'd have gotten more" etc etc. Whatever be the case, the deal is done and there is no looking back!

My mother told me that she gave a personal farewell to her குழந்தை in the morning before we all got up. That sentimental value cannot be replaced by any number of cars that I buy henceforth. And it is the same sentimental value that Mr. Raghu is trying to play on right now, by saying that I could have spent some extra money and made it look as good as new!

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