Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random Observation # 049 - Men and Women

It struck me all of a sudden (why else is this a Random Observation?) that when the scale of operation of a work/task/job changes, the gender of the people who do that job changes.

1. Tailor.
The tailor to whom we individually give clothes is a man. Whereas, the Tailor who stitches our ready made garments is invariably a woman.
2. Cook.
The cooks who work in individual homes are invariably (if not exclusively) women. But the cooks who work n restaurants and those in the catering business are invariably (if not exclusively) women.
3. Those who serve food.
At home, it is either a mother or a wife. In restaurants and parties, it is invariably men.
4. Sweeper/Domestic help etc.
The ones who come home are all women. The ones who do the same job in an office of public are invariably men (except in ladies' rest rooms of course).
5. Story Telling.
To kids at home, grandmothers and aunts were the ones who spin yarns. But when it comes to the celluloid medium, the men are the ones doing it.

Anything else to add?

Note from author: 18-June-2009:
Corrected the mistake in point number 3; what you see now is the updated version. Thanks Ram.

1 comment:

Ramadurai said...

Is it by chance that you wrote this way :2. Cook.
The cooks who work in individual homes are invariably (if not exclusively) women. But the cooks who work n restaurants and those in the catering business are invariably (if not exclusively) women.- should it not be the men who work in restaurant or hotel in catering bussiness.
Same way for people who serve food. Most of the hotels have men as waiter.