The 2 pictures below indicate clear fingerprints. My suspicion is that while the thief was running out from the balcony, he would have supported himself with his hands on to this window ledge and then hopped on to the drain pipe on his way down.

And BTW, this is the picture of his chappals. Though I don't have a comparison picture, the size of this is bigger than the hawaii chappal that I wear at home. So it must easily be a size 10 and I guess we can safely assume that the thief was at least 5'9".

This next picture is evidence to me that someone placed their feet on the iron bar. Examine closely and you will find that the bars are all dusty, but the flat bar that appears at the bottom-right actually has a section with no dust. And you can further see that this section of the grille is the closest to a wall. That wall is the same one that goes up to the balcony. Also, the footwear that the Police found was right below this section of the grille.

On the same note, this below picture shows a dusty white iron rod. But there is one bright spot there, which could have been caused by brushing of the thief's body. Also, if you zoom real close, you can see something like a fibre/hair around that spot.

I had mentioned earlier that the suspect, while running out of my house, would have climbed down using the drain pipe nearby. I was able to get two fingerprints and I think we can actually nail it as being thumb impressions. I have marked them with circles just so that it is easy for you to spot it. You may have to zoom the picture to get a clearer look at the prints.

Now I am getting inside the house, to the room where that guy was hiding. The picture below is that of the bed and the region below it. If a person who was lying under the bed tried to come out, he'd have to drag his feet and body along the ground and the marks you see on the floor match that type of a movement. The portion you see is actually where the thief's legs were.

The last picture below, is a mark left by the dude when he was running out. His body brushed against a steel almirah that was in the room. Evidently, like most thieves, this guy was also wearing some oil on his body to avoid getting caught. That oil has left an impression on the steel almirah.

So, if our Police was willing enough to run for traces, I think we can surely see if this guy exists in the system already. Or at least, use this information to create the record in the system. But since there was no loss of property and since there was no physical harm caused directly by him, the Police didn't really seem too keen in following up on this case.
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