It's Deepavali time again (technically its tomorrow morning in Chennai). And thankfully, the State Minister in charge of providing Power Cuts seems to have slipped up on his work and we have had uninterrupted power for the past 2 days. What this means is of course, we all get to switch on all the lights and thereby increase the power consumption. Which would then warrant our dear Minister to get back to work!
Anyways, after the great fire-cracker bursting last year, I decided to cool it off this time. But my mother insisted that we have to burst something at least for the sake of shaasthram. So, I went out in the afternoon with my father and got some dappaas for Rs.1340. As is my habit with the purchase of fireworks, here is the itemised breakup:
1. 1000 wala - 1 - 330.00
2. Big Flower pot - 3 box - 180.00
3. 7cm Sparklers - 10 box - 120.00
4. Green Flower Pot Tablet - 1 box - 60.00
5. Zamin Chakkar - 2 box - 160.00
6. 56 wala - 10 pcs - 280.00
7. Bijili - 1 pkt - 40.00
At first I thought the prices had gone up from last year. But after reading my earlier posts, I don't see any significant increase. But again, I bought most of it in TUCS store this time and that would surely give quite a bit of saving.
Ok, time to go and burst a few of 'em.
And dear readers, here's wishing you a Very Happy and Safe Deepavali.
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