Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jai Shri Ram - The power of Lord Rama

Before you start making any assumptions that this is a religious/spiritual post, please be advised that you are making a mistake.

As most of you know, Ramanad Sagar's "Ramayan" - arguably the most popular television series in India - is now being relaunched by the same people who created the original version. Apparently, they want to milk the Indian audience who never tires of such magnum opuses.

But what really interested me is that Sun TV is now telecasting this serial after dubbing it in Tamizh. I know their channel war with Kalaignar TV is going on at a similar pace as the Israel-Palestine war. But I think Sun TV has now issued the biggest challenge to Kalaignar TV, by telecasting a series of a Hindu God and that too, the God whom the DMK and cohorts are known to abhor to the core. The interesting twist is also that the DMK is doing its level best to demolish the "Ramar Paalam" alias "Adam's Bridge" under the guise of launching the ridiculous Sethu Samudram project. So, would Kalaignar TV get the Tamizh rights for the Mahabharatham series that is also under Production?

Whatever it might be, my mother is watching the first episode right now (which is probably what prompted me to write this blog) and I actually hear my father's voice in the same room. She has been talking about watching it for more than a week now and at some level, I am happy that she is not watching one of this $hitty Tamizh serials, which btw, has a huge fan base amongst even some of the guys in my circle of friends at work (they discuss the plot and also catch up with one another whenever they miss watching one episode!).


Unknown said...

The other day, at the hop-step-and-coffee-shop near my house, I heard a bunch of young things say, "Hey, the new Ram in Ramayan, is, like so hot, no? Eeeeeee"

Jawaman said...

I did see some 10 minutes or so of this serial and I swear to God that the glamour quotient of the ladies seems to be much higher.