Sunday, December 30, 2007

Interviews - some more pearls of wisdom

Poor Albert Einstein would have turned a lot in his grave yesterday. Reason: statements made by 2 girls in my interviews.

Please note that both of these girls are B.Sc Physics majors.

Here is the conversation:

# 01

Me: What is the Theory of Relativity?
She: I don't exactly remember.
Me: Do you know Albert Einstein?
She: Yes.
Me: Isn't he credited with Theory of Relativity?
She: Ah, yes.
Me: But, you don't know the Theory of Relativity?
She: I am not fully sure, but I think it has to do with, like with vehicles moving in the same direction then their relative velocity will be faster. And if they are moving opposite each other, then it will be slower. Its the relative velocity.
Me: Ok......

# 02

Me: Do you know the Theory of Relativity?
She: I don't know sir.
Me: Do you Albert Einstein?
She: I think she was famous scientist sir.
Me: (in mild shock) Do you know any important or famous theories of Albert Einstein? (I purposefully didn't use a pronoun so that she wouldn't identify the gender).
She: I think she only invented the Mass Theory sir.
Me: Mass Theory? What is it?
She: It is atomic weight by weight, but I am not too sure.

I am seriously worried with the education system in this part of the country - probably it is the same everywhere in the country. If a Physics graduate does not know what the Theory of Relativity is and does not know who Albert Einstein is, then where is this country headed?

1 comment:

Neelakantan said...

That is nothing compared to what we come across in the legal profession dude. Some times, legal principles expounded in the latin language are confused with names of persons.
coming to bluffing the way to glory in an interview, i must confess we often try to pull a fast one in COurt by telling the judge that the Supreme court has held so in some case. I will circulate the judgment in the next hearing. Solely under the prayer that the judge doesnt recall my promise at the next hearing.