Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Beautiful judgement

Blow to Anbumani Ramadoss

The best part I liked was where the Court informed the authorities to send the certificates by flight, to the Minister who is at Chennai (I have a hunch that he came off here just to avoid this situation).

I think its a big shame for Anbumani Ramadoss - but he doesn't seem to come across as someone who cares. He was willing to compromise the careers of the Doctors passing out of AIMS, just to spite the Director Mr.Venugopal.

I also believe, the minister said in some interview that he is not giving out the degrees only because, all those who get it, leave the country and pursue their career abroad.

If that was indeed his reasoning, I think it sounds very noble. But I would have really appreciated it, if he had put in the rule of delaying the issuance of Degree certificates for students of all Medical Colleges in the country. Or if its a case of jurisdiction, he should have pushed it to the "GREAT" Arjun Singh - the Education Minister and not the Minister for Castes - and imposed the same rule on IITs, IIMs etc. He must note that the Government is in fact subsidising the education for these folks, knowing full well that 90% will leave the Indian shores immediately on completion of their course.

So why not extend the rule to those places as well? The reason is simple. Like I mentioned before, Anbumani doesn't really care about 'brain drain'. He is just fighting Venugopal out in public in a very shameful manner. The court has also admonished him on this.

Any person with anything remotely like a spine - or loosely translated in Tamizh (the Minister's claimed language of choice): anyone with vekkam, maanam, soodu, soranai - should resign from the post.

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