This post might quite be very exhilarating for the emotional type of reader. Not that my fan base contains many of that variety, but just in case someone has landed up here, the first line might serve some purpose.
Basically, I had a very very different dream last night. Never ever had anything even remotely similar to this. The twist to the tale is that my father woke me up as usual at 5.40 AM, even as the dream was going on in full flow. I believe dreams that present themselves at dawn are prone to be proven, but I don't know what the message was.
Without much further ado, I will write about the dream. It went somewhat like this:
My parents and I were all in some temple. I was standing in front of sannidhi and my folks were a few feet away, looking at some other place. The sannidhi I was standing in front of was that of an amman. The amman was seated and one thing I remembered was that there was no wall behind her. I distinctly remember seeing some courtyardish layout behind the idol.
Anyways, I was praying and looked at the amman. Amman's eyes opened and she also smiled! Yes. You read it correctly. I clearly remember seeing the eyes of the idol open and she gave a big smile.
I then called my mother and father to watch this. When they came near me, the amman smiled again and then she stood up. And when she stood up, I saw that the amman had many arms. So, it was like a Durgai amman. Even as we were watching all this in awe, I felt the cheeks of the amman move. Like a ripple effect on her face.
It was then that my dream was broken and my father woke me up at the designated time of 5.40 AM.
So there you have it.
I am at a total loss to understand why I got that dream. Most of the dreams I get, I somehow link it up with something that took place that day or something I wanted to do but never did sorta thing.
But I have no explanation at all for this. I haven't been inside a temple in quite a while now. I didn't talk about temples or related things with anyone on Monday. I didn't read any related articles in print or electronic media.
The other thing is that, when the amman opened her eyes, it was nothing like regular human eyes ok. What I mean is that I saw the eye part of the idol move in a sliding motion. Like the doors of a lift. But when the movement was complete, I didn't see any eyeballs, pupils etc. It was still like stone, but somehow I felt being watched.
Then the smile. Again, I didn't see teeth or anything like that. In fact, the lips moved into an arch, almost like what we see in the happy smiley.
Finally there is that movement of her cheeks. No clue what that is.
All in all, quite an exhilarating experience and something that has left me pondering.
Yikes dude...
I narrated this story to 5-6 people and you are the first one who has commented thus.
Serious inspection of your neural network is warranted.
May be you are going to get married this year!
May be you are getting married within this year!
I wish the comment from sk and anonymous becomes true.
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