Friday, April 06, 2007

Silver foil in Indian food stuff

I first came across the information that the silver foil contains remnants of the intestines of cows and pigs. There was a talk show hosted by S.Ve.Shekar a couple of years back and he had asked this question to one of his guests - who was associated with the Consumer Affairs Forum or some such body. The guest answered in the affirmative that the foil did indeed contain animal parts.

So, unknowingly, we have all been consuming non-vegetarian food for years together. Be it on the sweets or sometimes on the paan and sometimes in mouth-fresheners as well.

But, ever since I heard that news, I have stopped taking all the above mentioned items. If there is silver foil, I reject the piece. Many a time at work, some people distribute sweets for some happy occasion and I have had to refuse it. With some, I tell them I not much into sweets and with few others who know me better, I tell them the fact.

I have tried to look this up on the net, but unfortunately, I am not able to land on any web page that is recent. Most of the content is really old.

The other thing is that, some scientific study seems to be suggesting that this foil could be carcinogenic.

Anyways, I am not willing to change my opinion on this matter yet. And if I've influenced a couple of my fellow vegetarians, then I will feel happy.

You can possibly check these links too:

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