Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sarvajith - The Tamizh New Year

The Tamizh New Year started off on a great note for me. And just to clear any doubts that you may have - I used "great" in a totally sarcastic note.

I went to bed a li'l late on Friday night - close to 1 actually - and so didn't want to wake up till say 9 AM.

But I also knew that since it was the puthaandu, I would have anyways been woken up earlier than usual and taken to the pooja room for seeing the Vishu kanee. The Vishu I refer to here is obviously the Kerala new year and not to the famous Tamizh actor/director with a similar name.

So here I was clocking in my required sleep, when I started to hear some rumbles. I also started feeling some cold breeze. My sub-conscious mind told me that there was a rain-ish atmosphere building up. But I wanted to continue my sleep.

That's when I felt water drops hit me. I ignored the first couple but then quite some more started marking their presence on me and so I woke up slightly startled. And I saw that it was pouring quite heavily. The rain had come to town with its trusted companions - wind, lightning and thunder.

It was only 7 AM but my sleep was completely broken. I had no option but to drag myself out of bed. After a minute or two, while I was still deliberating within myself if I should close the windows and resume sleep, my dad had come to my room - probably just to close the window. But since I was awake, he wished me a happy new year and took me to the Vishu Kanee layout.

According to some of my friends, this Tamizh New Year is supposed to bring in lots of rain and lots of heat as well. Going by the start we had, I sure do think that the former could be true (the latter is always true in all years).

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