Its my father.
For the past two weeks, he has been having a bit of a bother in the lower back. So his evening walk to the temple added with grocery shopping, has been reduced a lot.
Turns out that since he was kinda immobile in the evenings and he also had the misfortune of having to spend some time in the living room.
That's also the time when my mother watches one of her daily diet of 3 serials. One at 6.30 PM, next at 8.30 PM and the last at 9.00 PM.
In effect, it meant that my pops had to watch the TV at 6.30. Normally he would have walked away from the room. But due to his back pain, he couldn't take that course of action and had to sit there.
Just like many people start picking up an alcohol habit under the guise of being social drinkers, my naina is now an avid watcher of that serial. According to him, it does not have too much of yelling, not much of kozhai adi sandai and the actors/characters are normal.
I have observed similar behavior in people who convert into a religion or adopt a new principle in life or begin following a new guruji. They are basically the marketing arm of the new area.
My mom was telling me that one day last week, he was asking her if he had enough time to go out and come back before the serial started. And a day or two ago, he's apparently asked her if she knows how to record the program in case he is not in the house.
I am now really scared. Looks like I am losing my only supporter in this house!
I have got Tatasky with a fond hope that my parents can be weaned away from SUN TV. At least my father.
We at Soapaholics Anonymous, have found that the only way to stop watching a soap is when it ends. It invariably ends or morphs into a new one, and we capitalize on that and travel to distant foreign lands with strange cultures. When we get back, the cast would have been introduced and would have started their job of crying and screaming.
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